Saturday, 20 November 2010

Virginia R - Group C1 (EI)

Virginia R can write here.



    The Royal Spanish Academy (SCRAPES) a new review will publish next December to the rules of spelling, then that all the presidents and the directors of 22 academies who agree IT SCRAPES her approve her at the end of November in Guadalajara, Mexico.

    One of the most controversial rules is the recommendation of using the diacritical tilde in words as "only". Previously there was differing the "alone" adjective of his adverb across the use of the tilde. It SCRAPES her discourages his enclosed use in situations where there might be ambiguity, though he does not condemn his use.

    The monosyllabic words like 'script' and 'knavish' already they will not take tilde. Previously it was accepted his use for those who were considering that there was a hiatus on having declared.

    The prefixes 'ex-', 'anti' and 'pro', now will be joined to the words that they modify, since in 'exmarido', except in cases where the word that it modifies is composed, since in ex-prime minister.

    The letters of the alphabet also suffered modifications. The 'b' will be "be" and not " be talks " or " be big ", since she is named in some countries of America. The 'v' will be "uve" and not " v cuts " or " girl sees ". Her 'and' it will happen to call "ye" and not " and Greek ".The letters 'ch' and 'll' will lose his place between the letters of the Spanish alphabet; this way, now the Spanish alphabet will possess 26 letters.

    In my opinion all that is not good. I believe it this way since all our life we have used a type of alphabet and of rules and to break with everything the known it will not be good at any case as for example at class, works, exams... because what we believed like good spelling it won't, and we can fail the exams.
    And already it is not only it, but though we try it to put well it will be very strange for the lack of custom.
    To this one adds him that there will exist two generations which write and have an alphabet and a different spelling, managing to be opposed even.

  2. I agree with Virginia, because if now we change some ortography rules or we take out some letters of the alphabet it will be a mess for us. Furthermore we will lose important Spanish sounds.

  3. I agree with you because if we change the rules of spelling lose part of our language.

  4. I agree with Virginia because I think that it is a problem to change the rules spelling because we have learnt since younger like write well and now we have to learn the new rules to can write good from now. Also I think that this new change add a new difficulty to the spelling and apart from nowadays the people do many mistakes when they have to write.

  5. I find this news interesting, really didn´t know anything about this. I agree with Virginia, shouldn`t change anything in our alphabet because now I have to learn other time and change our reading and writing.
    I do not like to change the script because it would remove the letters ñ and I need for my name.

  6. If the alphabet is changed, I believe that it will not be good for the Spanish people because we are accustomed to the current alphabet. I think that our current alphabet already works efficiently.
    If the alphabet is changed there would be two generations of people that would know a different alphabet and it would be more complicated for them to teach their children how to spell words and write.

  7. I agree with us. If now we change the alphabet rules it will be chaos, because is very dificult to try change all. Also, if we change it there will be people that want say the same but they will say in the diferent form and is posible that they not understand each other.
    why not leave the things as they are?

  8. i almost agree with you. if they now start changing the rules and grammar we are going to get lost, we're used to speak and talk and also write in that way so for us it´s an enormous problem, but also if we star changing our grammar the spanish linguistic start to be limited and that´s not good for us and for teh image of our contry!

  9. I think like virginia too, because i strongly believe that if there were 29 leters on the spanish alphabet since the first day that has been created, it is a wrong idea to change it now because i think that is a big part of our country and linguistic culture so then, it must be like before.

  10. Maria M.M.
    Of course it would be a mess if the alphabet rules are changed because we have grown with those rules for a log time and we are used to them.
    So if we change them, when we try to teach our kids or help to improove their knowledge we will do it in a different way and it may be wrong so please do not change the alphabet rules.

  11. I'm agree with virginia because i think that is a soo bad idea to change, now, the rules of the alphabet. The people've been using the same rules for years, do not understand because you have no reason to change now, if there were some weight ratio i could understand.

  12. I'm agree with Vir because if change the rules of the alphabet the teachers will have to learn too this rules and the education will suffer a delay.
