Sunday 7 November 2010

Begoña G - C1 (EI)

Begoña G can write the article here.


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    In the nineteenth century the main educational objectives in most industrialized countries were literacy and that every children benefit from primary education, that tried to extend to 14 years.

    In the twentieth century, the countries try to expand the compulsory education to 16 years and now in the twenty-first century the government social change in education and in this process participated in groups like UNESCO, OECD and European Union.

    Since 2000 the European Union has decided to increase investment in education, and drastically reduce early exit to the schools, organized the education and training over the next year and to define new basic skills and encourage mobility of teachers and students.

    The number of the student that abandonment the schools in Spain is the highest in the European Union , for that reason the government will try to improve the number of the students for 2020.

    Failure and the early abandonment was a different topic, one refers to compulsory education and the other to the post-compulsory, but the early abandonment in Spain is joined to the failure of Students who at the end of compulsory education haven´t the title of secondary education.

    The main educational proposals of the institutions to stop the early abandonment have two objectives: first the purpose to improve the performance and success of students in secondary and, second, to facilitate access for all students who finish with difficulty ESO creating middle-level vocational training.

    In my opinion, I think that the young people should be in the school to 18 years for that the performances and knowledge are better for find job and for ourselves.
    I don´t agree with the education finished to 14 years because is very early for start to work.

  4. I'm so agree with you.
    In my opinion with 14 years old you are so young to know what is better for you and your future.
    we must have this oportunity when we are 18, not before!
    Like you say, starting working with 14 years old is a bad idea for your future because if you get out of the job, it will be dificult to find another one

  5. It´s totally true that in Spain people don´t study, but I think that´s because they don´t have enough information and they must become aware of the improtance of studying, because nowadays if you don´t have a degree is very difficult to find a good job.
    But i thinks it´s a problem to make the education compulsory until the 18 years, because those who dón´t want to study will be a nuisance for the rest of the pupils in the class.

  6. In part I agree with you, It's true that with 14 years you are very young to decide If you want work or study. But in my opinion I push the obligatory education to 16 years,not 18 years.
    On the other part, I think people not study because in years ago was easy find job (a good job) althoug you havent't got studies, and parents didn't encourage their children.

  7. I agree with you because 14 years is so early to start to work because you don't know nothing about the life, the future and you don't have the main knowledges for your future.
    But I think but that the age to finish the compulsory education is 16 years because If the children do not want to study at the age of 16 either they will want to do it at the age of 18.

  8. I think that for a good knowledge about how to do a job, how to say in one totally different context, and all that things, it´s better to be correctly teached in a good way of that theme and for that you have to be at least until eighteen years in college, because if not you wont have a complete education.

  9. In my opinion is obvious that you aren´t prepared for work in the same way when you are 14 years old than when you are 18 year old. At 18 years old you have more knowledge and you are more mature.
    Although in Spain you can leave the studies at 16 years old, some students haven´t the title of obligatory education, therefore I believe that If they have to continue studying more years by obligation they will be wasting time.

    In conclusion, I believe that the solution isn´t to propose a compulsory age to study, but is better to motivate the students to continue studying for pleasure.

  10. In my opinion I believe that the students must be studying until they are sixteen because if they don´t have Secondary Education they can´t do anything, nowadays for any jobs is necessary to have a title and if they drop out the studies they couldn’t find job. If they go to high school they have more probabilities for work, although I think I would change the curriculum of Secondary Education to improve the learning level in Spain and facilitate access…to all students who finish with difficulty secondary creating middle-level vocational training so that drop out was not so high in Spain.

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  13. I think the abandontment in Spain is for three reasons: the first is that students aren't motivated, because many teachers don't have a vocation and not know how to teach a class and the students suffer in class, thy are bored and discourage and decide to stop studying. The second reason it`s because in Spain the university careers don't have much recognition and the student sacrifices many years of his life to study without knowing what their future will be, and finally I believe that the age to leave school is early as age 16 don't know what they want out of life.

  14. Maria M.M
    it's true that at the age of 14 you still a child even when you finish know high school maybe you have very good marks and you can do all kind of stuff by your self and beign perfect but in your mind and at home you you'll be always a baby.
    I don't think that at the age of 16 anyone could make their own decision of being out of the school or working or just being at home without doing anything.
    It's very important to show them how hard it's to have a job or a good future without studies, even having a career sometimes it's hard to find one nowadays. All of us know that sometimes studying could be bored, or hard and an other times could be very interesting but at the end would be the best option for us. When you finish high school at the age of 18 then you should be very happy because it's in that moment when you are really going to study what you want to be for your future, if you choose the correct career you'll be so happy.

  15. it´s sad to know tha in spain there are cases of education abandonet really eraly but,if you stop thinking in the reason you probably understan that the problen are in class,if the child is not motivated or the teacher is bad or the family ignor the child,,you probably have one of this type of children...
    Patricia A

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  17. well, i think that you're wrong, because the age that the teenagers are forced to study is 16. I think that it is a good age because in the society there are a lot teenagers that with 16 years know that they don't want continue studying and if they continue to study until 18 would be a waste of time.
    the problem that there is if you haven't studies you won't have any job, so all people who have no secondary education is studying again.
