Saturday, 11 December 2010

Rocío M - C2 (EP)

Rocío M can write here.


  1. School failure is expanded to the northeast of Spain in five years
    first published in Spain by province school failure:

    Teachers published for the first time in Spain, school failure LOGSE provinces. And the results are still striking: forty points separate Guipúzcoa ,the best performing province,of Ceuta, which is worse. Limiting ourselves to the peninsular area, the differences between Alicante and Guipúzcoa are 32 points.
    Of course any Spanish province has a failure below 10%, a figure in the European Union is considered the acceptable limit, only Soria (7.1%), Gipúzcoa (8.7) and Asturias (9.9%) have this failure rates counting only women. Men do not come close, as the best number of failure,Guipúzcoa again, is 15.1%.

    Perhaps most troubling is that we have 13 provinces, a quarter,above 35% of school failure, all located in the southern half of the peninsula, the islands and the autonomous cities.

    On the other hand, only six provinces with less than 20% of failure: the three of Pais Vasco, Asturias, and two of Castilla la Mancha: Soria and Salamanca.

  2. This article doesn't surprise me at all, and people should not be surprised either. With these kids nowadays and their lack of respect and education towards teachers, it doesn't shock me that half of them don't manage to finish a course. As we have said on other posts, the education of these kids is empoverishing and we can't expect the teachers to teach them this education if the kids themselves don't see in them a motive to respect them. So then, we all have to do an effort, allowing our kids to grow up with new technologies but always putting a limit of age and reinforcing the interest for school. So, this way, the teacher will be able to give their lessons and to instruct his pupils, conquering the lack of interest and school failure. I know that it will not be done in the near future, but if it doesn't begin now, I don't know how this topic of school failure is going to end.

  3. In the same direction of Ines I think this failure must be realize parents to take control of their kids in order to work with them the interest towards school´s contents at home. Spain is one the worse situated countries about school failure of Europe and must work urgently for don´t the lose the train in this time of crisis.

  4. I agree with all of you. In my opinion the principal cause of this high level of school failure that is suffering Spain is the total disinterest that some students have towards the school. For this it is important to develop some strategies to motivate children so they do not see study as read and memorize lessons but as a source of knowledge funny and motivating.
    Educational system should cover this important aspect by making more deep changes in the current teaching-learning process.

  5. It's normal for me. I think that it's caused by the new technologies because the students devote all the time to play in the computer,or in the x-box,or in the play station etc etc etc..This distract the students in their study and work time.

  6. From my point of view,parents have to take measures with the study of their children.
    I think that they have to access all posibilities such as private schools or private university where they don´t have to reach a specific note therefore,their efforts are low.
    Parents must help children but children have to get their own aims through their efforts.

  7. If school failure is expanding, there must be something wrong in the educational system. A solution to solve the problem could be to copy the educational system of a successful country and adapt it to us.

  8. I aree with the point about the lack of motivation. I think it's interesting to see even very young children who are happy with a mark of a 5, just because it's passing. I mean, if you get a 5 it means that you only meet half of the aims...should that even be enought to pass a class? Ideally, students should aim to score the best mark they can, that is, to do their personal best. Why are so many students happy with just passing?

  9. It is true that in many schools individual teachers are not respected. On the one hand I think this is because, says Ines that students do not understand any reason to respect their teachers.
    In the other hand I think the teacher should be respected, always the best way possible while having fun doing their students and capture their interest in the subject. It is not easy task but we must try.

  10. The problem of school failure is an important concern of the current education system. In all parts of Spain exists this problem, in a bigger or smaler degree, but some provinces have a higher rate than others. Furthermore, they are curiously grouped by geographical areas, being a smaller percentage in the north of Spain. The autonomous communities located south of the peninsula and islands.
    There wouldn’t be a very significant event if they don’t have nearly 40-point gap between the best community (Guipúzcoa) and worst (Ceuta). These figures so large would have to react us, as future teachers, to provide quality education and prevent school failure in all possible fields.

  11. This article is surprising, is deplorable that Spain, being a developed country, is in this situation.
    We, like a future teachers, have to promote the education.

  12. This article really is amazing because it shows us that within the Spanish education there are many problems. But not only is writing articles criticizing the problem, but you have to get to a solution for the day tomorrow we will be able to find good jobs.

  13. I think that school failure has always been there and now with new technologies is growing. Not only this but also the influence of friends is very culprit.
