Monday, 6 December 2010

Andrea S.M. - C3 (EP)

Andrea S.M. can write here.


  1. Prized a blog where experts, teacher and students recommended trick, advice and habits for passing the selectivity.

    The blog: .

  2. Andrea.S said...
    Prized a blog where experts, teacher and students recommended trick, advice and habits for passing the selectivity.
    The blog:

    This blog was created last year. The aim of this initiative is helping future university students to pass the selectivity exams.

    Experts in psychology and university teachers explained and gave advice about how to pass this exam.

    In secondary education and the qualification obtained, the students have the support of their teacher but when they have to study for selectivity, they are disoriented and what they really need is a good piece of advice and orientation at the time of taking the Selectivity exam.

    Last year, this blog received a lot visits in few weeks, CSIC Business & School continued with this idea of the blog, the objective was creating a forum of useful discursion where the students would be able to interact with different professional teachers. The teacher recommended this as the best way to realize Selectivity successfully.

    In this blog, focused specially in the new Plan Bolonia, many articles tried to resolve the questions that appear more frequently, and they give answers about the new prove of entrance to University.

    I think that this blog is very important for the students that want to pass in June the selectivity because in this blog oriented and helped to resolve their doubts and questions.

    In my opinion, I have the selectivity and I need a orientation about these exams, I think that all educative organization created other blog that help to the students to pass the exams, would have more possibility that they pass the selectivity in June and have a degree more easy that if you don´t pass this exam in June, you would have to go exam the selectivity in September and it was very difficult have a degree that you want.

  3. I agree with the creation of this helpful blog. I think it's a good idea because it will help many people to make Selectivity exams and to have the future that they want to have, because, as my partner said if you do Selectiviy exams in September maybe you will not do the career as you wanted to do because there are not places in the Universities.

  4. I feel very good to create this blog because it will help people to adopt the selectivity and do what they really like.

  5. I think that's a great idea because some pupils haven't received the appropriate information about Bolonia and selectivity.

  6. I think that this idea that they have had of creating a blog is a good way of helping the students of selectivity.
    When you end 2º bachillerato you are very disoriented because you have to study the selectivity. In these moments, you want that somebody give you a good advice to study and this type of blogs solves the problem.

  7. I think that this idea is really good because with this blog all students who have doubts will resolute it.

    When I was last year in 2º of Bachillerato i had lots of doubts about the test and this blog could help me a lot.
