Saturday, 11 December 2010

Marina LS - C2 (EI)

Marina LS can write here.


  1. Twenty-one girls have been sent home from their secondary school because their skirts were deemed to be too short.
    The pupils, aged 11-16, failed a "uniform check", which was carried out at The Dormston School in Sedgley, West Midlands, after they had been warned to drop their hemlines.

    "When some of the girls had their blazers on, their skirts were so short you could not tell they had them on," said the headteacher, Barbara O'Connor.

    "This is clearly not acceptable at a good school like this."

    She said there had been complaints from the local community. A woman who had moved to the area, and had wanted to send her daughter to the school, had changed her mind after seeing some of the pupils around town.

  2. In my own opinion i think that it doesn't matter the image to go to shcool, our image is a part of us and is one of the best ways to expres us. We have to revindicate our liberty expression right.

  3. I agree with Marina because, although we have to be able dress corretly in every moment, we would have the liberty wear the clothes we want and it is one of the forms that we have of expressing.

  4. I agree with María, because everyone should wear clothes that he wants to.

    Although, on the other hand, we have to accept the rules of the system in our society, and if a school doesn´t consider a good idea to wear short skirts because it can hurt its image, all parents and students should respect that rule.

    Also we should avoid unnecessary polemics.

    In conclusion, all of us should use more our common sense in our lives.


  5. I agree with Marina.
    Our appeareance is important, of course but not enough to say if a girl can or not go to a concret school. In my opinion we must wear what we want because then we will feel better but if the school forbid the free opinion we won't be confortable and it could influence in our studies too.

  6. I agree with Marina. I think that it’s an exaggeration the way that the headteacher resolved this problem. It’s true that in some cases the girls try to incite to boys or even to teachers or the headteacher, but this reason doesn’t justify the solution.
    On the other hand, we have to consider the rules or principles of the school that the people should accept and carry out if they decide to go to this school ( I think that it’s a private school), because if you don’t agree, you can choose another school.
    But, in any case, it’s a wrong solution.

  7. María P

    In my opinion, each school has its rules and parents and students have the right to choose what is best and most appropriate school. They should obey the rules and if they don't, they have to understand that they must comply with the sanction. So, the decision by the headteacher to send 21 girls home seems right to me because those girls knew what was the school rules. And if they refuse to obey them, they could choose another school without uniforms or more permissive.

  8. well in my opinion i think if some people go to a particular school, they have to adapt to the rules of the school and dessed properly

    andrea sanchez serra

  9. I agree with Marina, we have all right and freedoms that we must respect and therefore to have freedom of expression and in some cases like this one to must defend her.Also it is true that our image must not import at the moment of coming to the school, but we must not dress with alarming clothes or break the procedure of the school center.To avoid this what we can do it is establishes a model of uniform that they they all should follow and be equal for all the pupils.

  10. Patricia F.:
    In my opinion every person is free and therefore all people can dress as they like, as well as other aspects, is what defines each person as they are or what they like, and I'm not agree in the way these schools act.
    I agree with Marina, because nobody should tell you how to dress because is something personal, and because the forms of education in these school in the way of dreassing is very exaggerated, because there are also some schools where the pupils have to put an uniform but they are not so strict.

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  13. OK, I agree with the ones who are saying that everybody can wear whatever they want according with their freedom, their rights and their personality, BUT also Im actually freaking out(flipando) with some of you, because we have had a kind of argument about basicly the same topyc a few weeks ago in Phylosphy class so : why if we are talking about shorter or longer skirts we defent it by saying that it is those girls right, freedom, personaly and their election and its not a problem to go to school in the way they think is better, the way they like, the way they feel confortable BUT when talking about a scarf in the head( as muslims people do) then we dont take a look and think about their rights, freedom, personality and belif? well, maybe i will be a bit impudent and i might be wrong but from my point of view there is a simple answer to that question... there is a lot of INTOLERANCE.

  14. I'm agree with Marina, but in my opinion all people must to know what they can wear to school and what no, because the school is not only a place where people can bind, it's a place where people go to learn and it's a bit serious place.

  15. Marta V:

    I agree with Marina. Each has a way of dressing, and does not make it better or worse person, or better or worse student. The image is only one part of us.
    It does not seem right the way it solves the problem the school director.
    But if you chose this school must respect the rules and dress, and if you don´t like you can choose another school, it is not an obligation.
