Friday, 17 December 2010

Carla H - C1 (EP)

Carla H can write here.


  1. The president of the Partido Popular (PP), Mariano Rajoy, has claimed that the institutions interfere "too much" in the catalan educational system and he has defend the right of parents to decide on the education of their children. It has happened in an event organized in Barcelona a week before the elections in Catalonia.

    In this sense he said that "Spain needs more freedom, especially Catalonia"

  2. I think that Catalonia has already freedom. We can express our feelings and our thoughs in Catalan or Spanish.

    I think that the Catalan education should promote catalan and spanish language at the same time and not to discriminate one of them. Both languages can be used in Catalan streets so it's necessary know perfectly both.

    Finally, I would like to say that what Rajoy is saying is completely unfear because if our parents have to decide one of the languages they will choose Spanish because it is more useful and Catalan would be losed with the time.

    I'm happy that PP didn't win elections in Catalonia, because we will listen both languages on the streets!

  3. I agree with Carla because it seems to me that if the parents are those who choose the language that his children must study, always he will be the Spanish and the Catalan to get lost with the passage of time.

    Every person who speaks the language that wants whereas he respects the others.

  4. In my opinion, Rajoy is not right. he says Catalonia needs more freedom and I think they have enough freedom.
    People who lives in Catalonia must speak as Spanish as Catalan in the same conditions.
    Moreover, I think parents should not decide what children will speak, Spanish or Catalan.
    Then, I believe what Rajoy has proposed not be true, and everybody can speak what they want.

  5. First of all I don't share the ideology of the PP, and I think that Catalan, as Galician and Euskera, should continue to be given at school on an equal footing with the Castilian.
    But it's also true that it seems very unfair that speak catalan is a requirement to work in Catalonia, and if you don't speak it, you have almost no chance to get that job. That doesn't happen either in Galicia or the Basque Country.

  6. I think that Catalan has become a political reason more than a language. It's important not to lose the root of a language as Catalan which has coexisted with Spanish for many years. It is also important to recognise that Spanish is a common language of our country and it is important to value it as a one way communication for all the communities in Spain. For this reason, I think that Spanish language should have more importance at schools without leaving behind of course Catalan Language and remember that we also belong to a European community where English is one of the language use for understanding each other. Taking this into account, I think parents should have the oportunities to decide on thier child educatión this is what freedom should be based on.

  7. In my opinion, I think parents have to decide on the education of their children, of course, but should note that the official language is Castilian, wherever they go, no one speaks Catalan part of them.
    I very much like to study in schools and not perish, but considering that the official language is Castilian Spanish, if you only focus on the Catalan will lose many opportunities.

  8. In my opinion, Catalan is due to assess because it is a dalecto and have that community. But I agree that parents have the right to choose what they want to teach their children and in Catalonia there are few schools, if any, show that only Castilian, as happens in the Basque Country. I think that Catalan is for the Catalans, and serves only to those who live there. I do not dislike you give, but should not take but half or most of the subjects in Catalan because it is true that there are two hours a week or so of Catalan and Castilian, but other subjects are given Catalan and make it over other Spanish are at a disadvantage to look for jobs in other provinces as the level of speech or writing is inferior because it can write in Catalan and in Castilian have many faults, not all people but most.

  9. puuffff I Think it is a very tricky issue. It has a lot of areas to talk about. fist, I think it is political reason too because people in Cataluña speak both dialects because they use it at home so I don´t see what it is the problem of atend to classes in Spanish. Need not vanish. In the educatinal area it is ok that student give somes subject in Catalan but the problem is that I (person from Madrid)could not atend to class in Barcelona, for exemple, because I could not undestand some subject. And of course I can not work in Cataluña neither if I can´t speak catalan. So with other cities.
    Anyway, I think people can use Catalan at home too.
    In the social area I find very annoying known people from Cataluña talk in catalan when they are speaking to national people and it may have to put subtitles, I can´t understand why they do that.

  10. I totally agree with freedom from all aspects of both education and others.
    As for the Catalan aperece me very important that children living in a community where they have a second language oficil are required to learn for different reasons: to be in the same conditions of employment opportunities in terms of public work in your community Like the rest of the people living there. Also because it is very important to keep the identity of the culture of a place through language and finally because the knowledge does not take place.
