Saturday, 11 December 2010

Itziar R - C2 (EP)

Itziar R can write here.



    The young people dedicate one hour and a half a day to studying, while they spend four hours in front of a screen (console, television or Internet). This time is even higher when they are older and it is reduced when they are younger.

    This is information of a sociological investigation to know the habits of study of the students, realized by interviewing 1.000 children, which ages are between 8 and 16 years.

    To study loses interest passing from Primary to Secondary School: seven out of ten children in the Primary School like to study, whereas only four out of ten in the Secondary School have a positive attitude towards the study. This are the results of the report ordered by Antena 3 Foundation. Therefore, the 60 % of the eldest children indicate that they do not like to study; they are 75 % of those that fail the exams and the 45 % of those who pass.

    One out of two students of the Secondary School with fail exams has problems to concentrate when they try to study; nevertheless, while they study, the 48 % are listening to music, the 45 % has people nearby speaking, the 35 % is connected to Internet and the 25 % has the television on. The report delivered by TNS-Demoscopia, indicates that one third of the young people do not study in their room, they used to study in the kitchen or the living-room and these are the same people that have problems to understand the explanations of the teachers, especially in mathematics and sciences.

    In regards to the study techniques, more than a half of the pupils (55,6 %) confirm that they are in the habit of memorizing everything. In regards to the relationship between parents and children the report emphasizes that parents tend to discipline their children when they have bad grades (in 55 % of the cases), whereas only 25 % of the parents demonstrates to reward their children when they get good grades. The usual communication between parents and children on how they progress in their studies is minor between those that fail (53 %), than between those who pass (71,2 %).

    During the term, the students of the Primary School spend a little bit more than one hour per day studying and the students in the Secondary School spend half an hour more; when the examination period is close, the time of study is higher than one hour and a half for the students in the Primary School and more than two hours and a half for those in the Secondary School. The time the students in the Primary School spend watching a screen is around 3,5 hours (1,5 watching TV, 1 hour playing with the console or computer and almost another hour connected to Internet), whereas the teenagers spend 4,5 hours (1 hour and 49 minutes watching TV; 48 minutes playing with the console or the computer and 1 hour and 44 minutes in the Internet).

    Itziar Rebollo

  2. Hey Itziar, it´s the same article that Cristina wrote about:

    So I´m going to comment the same than before, hehe...

    "Today kids have a great problem with internet use. When I was kid Internet didn´t exist yet but I had a similar "vice" with TV and early game-consoles. My parents were very restrictive to regulate the time I used to spend playing or watching TV and I think this discipline really helped me out to discriminate time to work and time to joy. So maybe parents should manage this situation in a similar way. "

  3. I think that parents should control those bad habits of study, in order to solve the problems of their children, but in a democracy way, talking to them and seeing together what is the best place to study (living room, kitchen, bedroom .. ), off the Internet during their time of study etc. but not as punishment but as a parent-child solution to solve these problems that affect in concentration at school.

  4. I think both parents and teachers have a vital task in the habits they have to take the children to study. They must habituate children to have a space in which to study without distractions and with good concentration.

  5. Well,about this i think that internet is addictive. The problem of this is because all the children of 12 years or less have a computer with intertet theirself.
    f parents dont buy them a computer when they are young, they (the children) would have better study habits because they would lose time on the computer.

  6. This behaviour is because parents give freedom to their children to do whatever they want and as somebody said: they buy computers and expensive mobile phones with internet access to their children in a early age. Parents have to manage to separate time work from time of joy.

  7. I'm going to post the same comment I wrote in Cristina's article, because it's the same:

    With the growing problem of school failure, in primary and secondary education, that the educational spanish system suffers nowadays, often set as the main guilty to lack of teacher preparation or lack of interest generated by students and parents.

    In my opinion, I believe that both arguments are in a great connection.
    It is true that most of the students in compulsory education does not have a passion for the study, or even find it useful, but I think this phenomenon is due to several factors.
    One factor may be lack of preparation of teachers to teach and stimulating to encourage the study, while another factor, and perhaps the most visible, is the lack of concentration by students at the time of study.
    Computer, television and game consoles are not the only cause of this low interest in the study, because sometimes, the lack of communication from parents is a negative relationship between family members, hating school and what it means to be, only source of direct conflict with parents.

    Part of the solution of the problem would be a motivating and active school and a parental interest in the progress of their children and their education.

  8. I think that the principal guilty of the students have bad habits of study like it can be study with the television or with the computer, they are the parents.
    If the parents of these childrens were imposing a few rules in house, allowing that his children should use the computer or see the television a few hours limited a day; the childrens use better hours of study and they pass more exams.

  9. Regarding the relationship between parents and children I think there should be better communication between them. First of all, parents should make a schedule at home for carrying out different activities. Secondly, reward a child when pass an exam and if he/she fails, to dialogue to see where the problem is and acting to the best way.

  10. I consider that the responsability depends on parents,they have to teach some habits since they´re children because if parents don´t teach them,when they will be teenagers they have to the same bad habits.(for example a good place where they can study and they can concentrate.
    they have to know the difference between their study and their free time.
    If they´re using the computer or watching TV,it´s imposible that they can study with concentration therefore if parents want to children pass all the examns, children have to avoid these kind of habits.

  11. The habits of children are bad, but we have to help them to change it. Their parents and teachers should force children to study more time

  12. From my point of view is frightful that children spend that much time in front of a screen. The problem isn´t they spending longer in their own business than studying, that´s normal, the problem is that their own business is watching TV, playing video games or chatting instead of playing outside with friends interacting with society life.

  13. My comment is in regards to what the article says about studying techniques. It mentions that 55,6% of students say they study by memorizing everything. I think that as a learning strategy this needs to be changed. While memorization does have a role in learning, I think it is used too much here. As we have seen with the basic competences, the overall objectives for primary eduaction are related to APPLYING knowledge, not only repeating it. Therefore, just as the curriculum for education is changing, we must also change the ways in which we learn, and teaching children to memorize is not very effective long-term. We must give them the tools to analyze, reason, read between the lines, use logic, synthesize and criticize instead of simply memorizing.

  14. The article is great. These are interesting facts that reflect the reality of our students. It's true that they spend too much time watching television, listening to music or playing video games. Technologies have many good things, but too much can bring bad
    as consequences. One must know how to use them at the right times and appropriate and should be the parents who force their children to establish this standard.

  15. It's the same news than Luis Miguel so...I think the same! :)

    I think study whereas are watching TV or in Internet it's a waste of time because you don't know what you're studying, your attention is on TV.
    About the relationship with their parents I think the parents can't be centred only on the mark so parents should help their childrens to set good marks.

  16. Is imposible to study in front of a screen, this distract the attention of the children.

    But, all we do it. Is systematic. You come home, lunch and you go to turn on the computer, or TV.
    If we spend the same time we are with the computer to study, would we get better marks.

  17. I had written the same comment in my section and for this, you can see my answer there.

  18. I believe that the parents create an evil habit of study to his children, because they set the child to do the homework in the kitchen, whereas they do the dinner, or in the lounge, whereas the small brother sees the tv and the dads iron ... and everything for the comfort of the parents.
    It is necessary to create in the children a good habit of study, in a quiet place, without noises and always the same one.
