Thursday, 28 October 2010

María Ma - C2 (EP)

María Ma can write your article here.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. The Education Department will put forward the September exams in the Secondary School

    The Secondary School's September exams will be eliminated. The Education Department proposes to put forward the September exams to two weeks after June resit; the student would get two weeks for extra classes looked up to pass the course.

    The Education Department justify the change claiming the few success in the September exams,only the 9% of the students pass the exams. But the September exams won't be eliminated brusquely.

    Also They argue that in September the students can be examined by teachers who don't teach them during the rest of the year, inconveniences to the families during the holiday, and the ignorance about the academic future until after summer.

    In my opinion, this measure won't prevent the academic failure; the problem is more deep. Even I think with this change will be more difficult to pass the resit in June to the students who will study for this because, they got more recent the knowledge, but subjects that you need a continuous work and a lot of time to do activities like maths and physic students won't be enough time to work this. Also the students are intellectually weary when they finish the June exams.

    In conclusion, the measures to finish with academic failure are other like teaching in values in school; how children become moral people, and what role schools have in that process.

  3. I agree with María that changing the exam schedule is not a real solution to the problem. As she said, the high failure rate is rooted in the education system, not in the timing of exams. One element that needs to change is the motivation of the students. So many students are so focused on getting just enough points to pass rather than whether they learn the material. It's also strange to me that so many children are content with a just 5 and don't work for higher grades. How can we make them want to do their best?

  4. I totally agree with María and Kate.
    Before it was difficult to pass any exam in Secundary School and children were lazy to study...maybe because they dont understand the topic, maybe they are just not that motivated in what they are staudying or learning...and thats why they dont go for higher grades.
    They dont have enough support from their parents, teachers...

    In education I also see that everything we have to do it so quick, learn this fast, read this fast, essays, plus esssays, plus presentations, plus, plus, plus...EXAMS in less than a year. Yeah! Students get stressed up and the results for their exams are just a 5 or a failure, mopst of the kids end up cheating, go for the easiest way or quiting their studies.
    Poor students...

  5. In my opinion, I agree with Mary. This method may help some subjects such as history, language, but in the case of subjects like math, English, chemistry, is very difficult to learn the content in such a short time. In this case it would be better the September exams. But I think this new test method would only work on the students who really are interested in adopting.

  6. I agree with Marina. This method can help to study theorical subjects but in the case of practical subjects it doesn't work.

  7. In my opinion, this is a good measure because I think that If children don´t want to study during the whole year,they sure that will not study on summer.
    If for example children have failed one or two subjects it´s probable that they pass in june but If they have got a lot of subjects is very difficult although is not imposible.
    If there are extremely cases such as
    diseases for which the child can´t attend in the classes, I consider that teacher should do extraordinary exams.
    In conclusion,Nowadays the education is a value important for living but some teenagers lose the respect and they go to the school but they don´t care to learn and this can affect to other.

  8. I agree with the removal of the tests in September.
    My reasons are as follows: Children who fail subjects to September, study the last week or last two weeks of August as the summer are more uncontrolled and have no desire to study.
    So have the summer free and the contents most recently in June.
    I think it's better and I agree with this measure.

  9. I think that there must be test in september, because some subject are hard to recuperate in june. If I have to take some test away, I eliminate june test because you have less time to prepare your exam.

  10. I think that the idea of to do exams in June is good because the childrens have the information of the subjects more recently in their minds. In other hand, I recognize that there are different subjects that need more time to study but... Do students actually study in the summer?

  11. I desagree with the article because, change the exams of september dont represent that pass more students. I think that the problem of academic failure is not this, the problems are others, for example: the new technologies,the bad abits of study...
    In my case ,thank the exams of september,i pass the year.

  12. I agree with Rocio
    In my opinion I think that remove the exams from September to June is not a real and effective solution for the student's failure but it can help them to pass more subjects than they would pass in September.
    Firstly , students would have two weeks of extra classes before their June exams let alone they would have some of the concepts learnt in the academic year freshest than in September.
    In addition, although students have all summer long to study these exams, most of them study the last two previous week to the exams as Rocio said. In the way of doing the exams in June students do not stop studying in fact.
    So moving September exams can be an idea to help students to pass academic years.

  13. I agree with this new measure because once you finish the course, whether or not pass, you will be free during summer time. Learning is not just studing in the school but living and enjoying!

  14. I think that make the retakes exams in july is damaging for the students because when they finish in june, they really want to start the summer and go on holidays, and they are tired of studying, but, on the one hand is okey to do the exams in july, because they have his knowledge more recent.

    But in my opinion is better to do this in september because you have all summer to study and you can go to tutorials to try to pass.

  15. I never had september. When my cousine said: i have two exams on september I couldn't understand why. In my school, we have exams during all year, not only "finals" or "partials" exams, so we have a grade in each subject based on 4 or 5 exams so at the end of the year, teachers were able to say if this kid had worked, has the skills and the maturity to pass (even if he had fail 2 subjects). In my opnion this is the best way.

  16. I think that a child who has failed for example, 3 subjects, is not going to have time in two weeks to prepare 3 well examinations, whereas when the examinations were in September, they had greatly more time to prepare them, with to much possibilities of success.
