Monday, 25 October 2010

María M - C1 (EI)

María M can write your article here.



    For this school year the government has approved a new plan.
    Since knowing another languages like english are going to be very important.
    The schools will have native teachers after school imparting english classes for one hour every day.
    This program is looking forward to teach little kids from 3 to 6 years old until young adults in secondary.
    Their purpose is to have an upper intermediate english level for each kid that will be finishing the last year of secondary ten years from now.
    The concern for all the parents from the education minister it's to make their kids watch english TV. He says that's even better than spending money on sendding them to Irland during summer holidays
    I agree with this new plan cause i think english is going to be the future.
    The best it's talking to very small kids in english because those ages are when they get things faster and easier than later.
    I am disagree with the minister's idea about making parents think that's better to see english TV than sendding their kids to Irland.
    Of course It's very good for learn and practise to watch english programs every day but from my own experience I have to say that the best way for learn english or other language is going to study abroad.

  2. I totally agree with you that children have to go to English speaking countries if they want to have a proper knowledge of the language, but I also think it´s extremely important for them to start getting used to the expressions and vocabulary in English from an early age which could be achieved if the kids watched movies and TV programs in English.

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  4. María M.M wrote this:


    For this school year the government has approved a new plan.
    Since knowing another languages like english are going to be very important.
    The schools will have native teachers after school imparting english classes for one hour every day.
    This program is looking forward to teach little kids from 3 to 6 years old until young adults in secondary.
    Their purpose is to have an upper intermediate english level for each kid that will be finishing the last year of secondary ten years from now.
    The concern for all the parents from the education minister it's to make their kids watch english TV. He says that's even better than spending money on sendding them to Irland during summer holidays
    I agree with this new plan cause i think english is going to be the future.
    The best it's talking to very small kids in english because those ages are when they get things faster and easier than later.
    I am disagree with the minister's idea about making parents think that's better to see english TV than sendding their kids to Irland.
    Of course It's very good for learn and practise to watch english programs every day but from my own experience I have to say that the best way for learn english or other language is going to study abroad.

  5. MARÍA P:

    First I would like to comment that I agree with Maria in relation to the new government plan as this will benefit children and society in general. However, I must say I don't think that it's better to watch television in English than go to study abroad,I think that both should be complementary to improve and achieve a good level of English .

  6. I agree with Maria in the first point: this new plan is great to show the importance of English language and in this way everybody will be able to speak in English, so if we want Spanish people to learn this language we have to start from the smallest children. But i think it´s also true that watching films and programs in English is very useful, sometimes it´s even better than going abroad for just one year.

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  8. l I agree with Maria in the first point because de new goverment plan will get that children have a better English knowledge. If we teach 3 to 6 years old children English, when they grow up, they will have a better experience with this language. However, I think that what films or TV series in English is a good thing to improve the level of English. Also I think going abroad it's the better way to study this useful English.

  9. To start I want say that, although my english, I understand all new and opinion jajajja. Now seriously, I agree with your opinion too because I think that english is very important to the future and if you don't know english, you will not find a good job. Also I think taht the better form to learn english is with a native person and listen songs, news or flims in english.

  10. I´m agree with you in all things, because I think that the best form of learn English is trip to abroad, in other country of speaking in english. If you go to London, Dublin, or other country where you can speak in englis, we you return yo can understand better the language.
    I like this new, the free english clsses should be compulsory in all schools, because speak in esnglis is one of the best advantages for fin job in our future.

  11. It's really important to teach foreign languages to people since they are kinds. That's why in my opinion this news is very interesting. If you listen TV in English you will be learning the pronunciation and the colloquial expressions that you will use in the real life. Also to teach English to kids after class is perfect because in a lot of cases when they come back home they start doing nothing and they lose their time, so if they can make the most learning English they will be very happy in the future when they discover that it was not lose time and they have the fluently of talking better than other people.

  12. In my opinion, I agree with this New Plan because the knowledge of other language is better for their development and if they learn from 0 to 6, they will know more English and they won´t have difficulties in other courses with more level. I think that they will learn more when they go to other countries and they speak English, because in this form they will adapt better being autonomous.

  13. I'm agree with your opinion in all. I think that the new plan of the Government is a very good idea because the earlier start to study English better, and because I think that in the future all the people will need the english for life.
    But I disagree in the part which the Government say that is better to see tv programes in english than to go abroad to study english. It's completly false because the better way to learn a new language is, go to the other country and live there for a while.

  14. I think that English is the future and I correct that in addition to what's on the school, to give churches all afternoon. Now let's English everywhere and it is best known English since childhood so much easier for when you're older

  15. I am agree with your opinion María.The government has had a good idea in to help the children with english class after the obligatory class, this way i think a good oportunity for increase the nivel of english and they to help the children to better prepare for the secundary, on the other hand the idea that the english tv is better that to go a place where to speak english is a nonsense ,it is the best form that exist if you want to learn english. as example when i went Jamaica i was forced to speak english because of other way nobody understand me.
