Thursday, 28 October 2010

María P - C2 (EI)

María P can write your article here.


  1. MARÍA P:

    Nicknames, kicks, teasing, threats, hate, isolation…

    This is the particular hell that is experiencing one in four children between 7 and 18 years in public, subsidized, and private classrooms. Although girls have more traumatic problems, nowadays boys are more bullied and harassed. Out of every 100, 58 are boys and 42 are girls.

    Bullying began with “Jokin case”, when a 14 year old boy in 2004, committed suicide after suffering the attacks of their classmates.

    According to one study, children under 7 years are more likely to suffer this harassment.. This affects 43% of children 2º Primary Education, 44% for children 3º Primary Education and 40% for children 4º Primary Education. It has become one of the great problems of today, the risk of suicide rose by 15% and in 10% of cases, the silence becomes the only law.

    In the early stages of harassment, children do not tell their parents what happens, and when it detects the problem the psychological damage is already done.

    In my opinion, School bullying is one of the biggest problems affecting children today. Therefore, in my opinion, we should take more measures in schools and in homes to educate students about the importance of treating and being treated with equality, kindness and respect. Also children should know that if appears a case of abuse in schools they must inform their family or teachers to prevent from becoming worse.

  2. One of the studies by the British Council, revealed that in Spain 47% of the Scholars rejects other people that looks just different from others, or has a different aspecto from others.

    The race, the colour of your skin, the accent, religion, or sexual orientation are the principal issues of many adolescents who are victims in every Europe high schools, from being bullid by ther classmates.

    In Spain we can divise the physical appearance, people who are with overweight or they dress up in a weird way are the ones suffering from bullying. There are a LOT of discriminación at this stage of life.

    I agree with you Maria P, and also, I wanted to add that teachers MUST do something about it, because there are plenty of teachers that they dont really deal with these kind of agressive issues, they think that is not that important. Also the family, may help with this huuuuge problem. Lets deal with the bullying!

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  4. María M.M:
    This is a terrible problem for kids nowadays. as María says i heard more than one case where parents didn´t know what was happening to their kid and everything ended like a tragedy.
    We must stop this before it comes worse
    Teachers in the school and parents at home.
    At the beggining of each school year they must motivate kids to be more friendly and show them how to love everyone.For those who are shy and might had been bulled by someone sometime teach them to not be afraid and tell what is happening to their parents and teachers.
    As teachers we should be watchful in class to see if this is happening and help the kids.
    If we don´t see this early terrible consequences can happen.

    SO we have to find the best way to stop this!!!!!!!!!!!

  5. Everything Maria said it's true because bullying it's a terrible problem which affect many children. We have to educate children not to do this because it's a bad thing and if they suffer bullying they have to tell us to solve the problem. If children don't told us that they are surfing bullying the phicologycal consecuences are very high. So teachers and parents must be the persons who educate children and stop the problem.

  6. It´s shameful, but all of this is true. I think it´s very important to give importance to this matter and stop it as soon as possible because children are sometimes very cruel and they can bring another child down. Teachers and family are the most important people to stop bullying or at least to decrease it.

  7. Well , I got really surprised because I didn't know these information!I knew that this problem exists but not the percents!!I thought that girls suffer more bullying than boys just because of the society but now I've read the article I realise that it's not like that.
    In my opinion children are scared and that is the reason of their silent. They should tell their parents or teachers about their problems, almost in all the cases they could help and the problems will finish inmediately.

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  9. Bulling is one of the most dangerous problems nowadays at school. I agree with Maria that we, as "future teachers" should take some mesures to solve it. Though is something difficult without parents help. That´s why we should cooperate with them in order to solve it.
    Unfortunally this is becomming more common nowadays. But i think that if we start stopping this problematic in little children then, it will be easier when they´ll grow up. We also have to transmit them some values to prevent bulling and to increase cooperation beetween classmates.

  10. I think the same that Maria.. and the worst problem is who childrens have a lot of fear to tell their problems to the adults. But for another side, the pedagogues of the schools should talk with all the students minimum once or two times for a year because if they do this, I think that they can see the problem or if they don't see this problem they can see another problems.

  11. I totally agree with Mary. It is sad but the reality we live today, and although it is really a shame we must learn to avoid these situations and most importantly, learn how to detect them. This problem, as you say Maria is one of the most common in our society and we must avoid getting into situations like you have told us before our colleague.

  12. Bulling has always existed; however, nowadays it is a very popular new. It’s very sad that our children have to suffer this kind of harassment that a lot of times teachers and parents don’t detect it at time, but is a cruel real story.
    We must educate to our children the respect, tolerance and coexistence in order to understand that the differences between each other are good and positive.
    In the same way, we must learn and teach that bullied children need help and support, and we have to try that they tell always their problem to curb it.

  13. Patricia F.:

    I think bullying is a very important fact that society didnt care so much. But they dont have all the blame, because many cases of children, didn't said nothing to their parents and in that cases in particular, we cant do nothing at all, only if we know that the person in particular is been bullied.

  14. As most of you have mentioned I support your opinion that no-one deserves to be bullied and we shouldn't ignore the problem.
    Some-one doesn`t have to be hurt or physically beaten up to be a victim of bullying, another actitudes can be classed as forms of bulling as name calling, teasing, being threatened , etc, and there are also lots of reasons why people are bullied;Some people are chosen because of their race or religion, whilst others are picked on because of the clothes they wear, their weight, or because they're clever - things that no-one should be ashamed of.
    From my point of view the whole world takes measured to the children who suffer bullying but I propose that also we should give a biggest impetus in educating from the earliest age the possible futures bullers, teaching , inculcating and filling their heads with ideas of respect to the others ( among others).

  15. Nowadays, school bulling is an awful problem in our society; so, all of us have to help students who are suffering it.
    On the one hand, adults should find the way how to make harassed children tell their parents or teachers their situation.
    On the other hand, all the children must have a good education at home or at schools to know the damage and consequences that some of them can make to the others.
    What´s more, maybe adults can be harassed by other people, but they are not as vulnerable as children.
    Finally , we have to pay attention to this matter and to others which can arise at schools, because it is our responsibility.

  16. I think, that this one article is one of the most important. The children must know since they are small the importance of the respect and of the things that are good and bad which.
    If all the children were receiving the suitable education many cases would be avoided of bulling, in spite of the fact that also it influences the familiar environment and of friends.

  17. Marta V:
    I totally agree with Maria. I think bullying is currently a very serious problem and many children are affected by this, but probably in the past also had but we did´t have much information about it. I think both, the family and teachers should be more strict about education and teaching the importance of respect for others, equality among races, ..
    and show that it´s good relate to people that are different from us.
    We must give children the confidence to not be afraid to tell us if they are suffering bullying

  18. School bulling is suffered by a lot of children in ours schools, this problem must be solved with more security methods in schools, it will be expensive but it will reduce a lot of psicological problems in teenagers that suffered bulling in the school.Bulling is very dificult to discover because of the fear that they have to their stalkers.

